Youga Yoga was founded by Lindy Burns, in Corpus Christi TX, in 2005 as a social enterprise and registered school of yoga. Our mission is to promote personal enrichment, through community enhancement. We offer educational programs for social innovators and community cultivators through a rich curriculum of classes, workshops, trainings, retreats, and more. The Youga Yoga program is a practical approach to the science and art of yoga, with an emphasis in psychology and sociology. Graduates from our programs go on to build wellness professions that enhance their communities and build sustainable income to impact social change with creativity.
Our founder:
Lindy Burns
B.A., M.A., E-RYT500, C-IAYT
Lindy Burns is an MA level psychologist, professor, artist, and community developer. She develops classes, trainings, festivals, community events & programming that engage people around the science and art of holistic psychology. She strongly believes in the practicality of science in the field of yoga and has built community programming and trained community providers in developing effective and efficient careers with purpose. She is passionate about community providers making a living with purpose and supporting the rise of conscious companies.
While nurturing students’ unique limitations and possible injuries, Lindy integrates a practice that best supports their current strengths and abilities in a variety of group, individual, community, and mental health settings. Lindy takes a practical approach to teaching the science, practice, and art of yoga to better navigate through life.
"I am an educator and a psychologist, and the science of yoga is my medium." -Lindy Burns
"I’ve been practicing Yoga for five years. For the past year I’ve been regularly attending classes and community events held by Youga Yoga. Honestly, Lindy is the best teacher I’ve ever had. She incorporates psychology, physiology and lifestyle into the practice in such a way that makes you realize yoga has the potential to benefit you not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Her classes are always the perfect balance between relaxing and intense. Plus, she’s awesome about offering everyone variations of the poses used in class so that you may challenge yourself no matter what. On top of these things you can tell she has an awesome team of people behind her. Her husband Anthony and business partner Stacy are some of the most compassionate, genuine people I’ve ever met. I can’t recommend this studio enough. If you’re on the fence about beginning yoga, looking for a new studio or maybe even considering one of the workshops/retreats offered by Youga, GO FOR IT!! It’s worth it." -Connor
"Some friends and I rented a bay house for a bachelorette party. Lindy came to our house for private yoga sessions on the deck and it was AMAZING!!! She worked us out, took us out of our comfort zones, and strengthened our bodies and the bond between friends. Highly recommend!!! Thank you, Youga Yoga!!!!" -The Bachelorettes
"I've nothing but good things to say about this experience! I had just graduated college and was unsure about what I was going to do next. Taking the time off to relax and reflect allowed me to remember what's important to me. On top of this, I was able to come away with a plan of action through participating in the modules presented by Lindy. Also, Stacy and Tim did a great job facilitating the day-to-day activities and preparing incredible food! I left feeling calm and refreshed. Nothing better than camping with great food, drinks, company and amenities. " -a satisfied retreat participant
"As a result of our overall experience with our yoga teacher training, Tanya and I just taught an acro yoga workshop yesterday with the Deaf/Blind camp of Texas in Austin. Our Lesson plan included playfulness and key elements given to us by Lindy "
“It made me realize what I was meant to do. It solidified my direction. As much as you get out of it emotionally, physically and spiritually it was amazing. There’s no judgement, no ego, no one is on the spot, but you never feel like you’re the only person going through it. It’s practical for everyone. If you think now is not a good time, it is. Make it happen!” - Laura Criser Co-founder Lorelei Brewing Company Corpus Christi TX
I joined the Youga Yoga teacher training in 2016 when I was a bit of a lost soul. I had a regular home practice and had gone through two unfortunate years of recurrent personal trauma, and was just seeking for a way to define myself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. Youga not only provided unconditional space for healing, they provided me with the tools to foster growth in all areas of my life. In taking their regular yoga teacher training, they helped me discover my authentic voice and made me feel comfortable in my own skin again. In taking their AcroYoga and social entrepreneurship teacher training, I was able to explore my resistance and eventual upheaval in my fears against trust and connection with others. I recall a specific major breakthrough I had during just the first weekend of our training, when I finally felt like I was a part of something greater, when I finally felt like I was home within my community. It was as if my inner child finally stopped hiding within the confines of my soul, and I was able to explore, play, and connect with others in meaningful ways. I experienced many personal breakthroughs with Lindy's generosity, compassion, and guidance as a wise and skilled mentor. My confidence has skyrocketed, my skills have flourished, so many doors have been opened, and my entrepreneurial spirit has thrived with each creative project I have taken on, all with the ongoing support of Lindy and the Youga team. Ultimately, it was so much more than just an investment into broadening my skill set within my chosen career. It was an eye-opening experience that enriched the deepest parts of my soul and created a new zest for my community that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. -Jenlyn Meyers