By Stacy Odem
Summer is upon us and most of our Corpus Community is looking to summer trips and vacations to rest and recalibrate. Just like the practice of Yoga, Life too is an ebb and flow- hot season/cold season, good times/bad times and everything in between.
All too often though we get swept up in the demands of everyday living and our rational mind tells us that we don’t have the time or the funds to take vacation. So year after year we push ourselves harder while adding more to our plate all for an elusive finish line.
But ask yourself, if you were driving down SPID and your tank was empty and engine overheating would you hit the gas or find a place to pull over, refill and cool down? Our minds and bodies are no different and we function better, just like our cars, when properly cared for.
Yoga utilizes poses and meditations that challenge the mind and body while one is guided to stay calm and present. Through Effort and Surrender the practice of pose activates, strengthens, aligns, and expands the individual. The practice is about refining how we use our energy, knowing how to cultivate endurance AND restoration.
If we rush through life telling ourselves that our “to-do” lists are more important than being healthy and clear headed then we can’t complain when we crash and burn. It is no different than our vehicles, it will happen.
Consider taking time this summer to nurture the Self by taking time to invest in the things that matter most. And let your rational mind take comfort in knowing that the battery recharge will increase efficiency, health and vitality for months/years to come.